Well, it’s been some time again between posts but the good news is that most of the family room has been drywalled, including the ceiling which we did this weekend. A word of advice – if you ever hang drywall on the ceiling, rent a drywall lift. $50 for the weekend from Taylor Rental and it was worth its weight in gold. Makes very quick work of what would otherwise be a laborsome task.  We haven’t taken any photos yet but hopefully we will do that this week and then get a photo album online so that everyone can see the progress.
Unfortunately, the weekend started on the wrong foot – er, hand. As I was using a block to try and wedge a corner of the drywall in place, I accidently smashed my index finger on my left hand. Might I just say that it hurt… a lot. Somehow, I kept myself from letting the entire neighborhood know in the form of some rather foul language that I had made such a boneheaded mistake and my friend Marty was surprised that I was able to contain myself so well, especially when I pulled off my glove to reveal a very black fingernail. By the evening, the pressure was just too intense and I had to drill the nail to relieve the blood from behind the nail. What a difference; here it is on Monday morning and it really doesn’t feel too bad now. Maybe I’ll get a picture of that up here, too – hah!
We also had a nice little nor’easter hit on Sunday and locally we got around a foot or more of snow. It was a little hard to tell because the wind was whipping around everything. In fact, there was very little snow on the roof, which was good because there’s one little spot where if it ices the water backs up under the shingles and eventually makes its way to the ceiling in the kitchen, where we have a nice little water stain to look at these days. Of course, the snowblower did its usual job and so it’s back to business today per usual. Jakob did go out and play for a little while in the snow in the morning but everyone stayed in after lunch because the wins really picked up in the afternoon and the snow came down hard and fast.
So we don’t forget, we wish all our family and friends a Happy Valentine’s Day!